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Cover Independent Bar

A History of the Independent Bar of South Australia

(Updated Edition)

Includes the original Foreword by Sir Anthony Mason, Chief Justice of the High Court of Australia 1987-1995 

by John Emerson
John Emerson Publishing Solutions

$72.00 | 2020 | Paperback full colour interior | 298 pp
$90.00 | 2020 | Hardback full colour interior | 298 pp

From Sir Anthony Mason’s Foreword
The emergence of a separate Bar has enhanced the quality of advocacy in South Australia, just as it has done in Western Australia. In both States, the majority of judges are now appointed from the ranks of the Bar.

John Emerson’s work is much more than a simple history of the Bar. The photographs and the short biographical notes bring to life the personalities and the bluestone buildings which house their Chambers. One of the buildings may have been in earlier use by the one profession which can justly claim to have a longer history than the legal profession.


John Emerson also provides us with a perceptive account of the condition of the legal system in England at the time of the South Australian settlement and what that meant for the establishment of a legal system in the new colony.

In addition, he outlines the legal and political issues which related to the emergence of a separate Bar and the differences between South Australia and the approaches taken in the eastern colonies, particularly New South Wales.
This book is a model history of a profession.